Welcome to our Soccer Coaches Hub—a dedicated web page crafted to empower and support the backbone of our small soccer organization. This page is designed to be a comprehensive resource for soccer coaches, providing valuable information, tools, and guidance to enhance coaching skills and foster a positive and enriching experience for players.
Coach Code of Ethics
Coaching a team of young athletes for a Soccer Maine affiliated club or the Olympic Development Program is a high privilege that carries with it great responsibility. A coach should always demonstrate the highest ethical character and should serve as a role model for the players on his or her team. A coach must always remember the influence that he or she has over young athletes. The game is for the players.
If at any time Soccer Maine shall determine that a coach has failed to fulfill these expectations and standards, that shall be cause to discipline, suspend, or remove the coach.
- Soccer is the players’ game. The paramount concern of coaches is the holistic development, welfare, enjoyment and safety of their players. A coach should never place winning above character or good treatment of athletes. While striving to win, a coach should deal honestly and fairly with players with regard to team selection and playing time, while remaining free to make decisions based on the best interests of the team as a whole.
- Coaches bear responsibility for teaching their players to strive for success while playing fairly with the highest levels of sportsmanship, observing the laws and the spirit of the game.
- Coaches shall treat officials with respect and dignity, and shall teach their players to do the same.
- Our opponents are worthy of being treated with respect. Coaches will model such respect for opponents and expect their players to do likewise.
- In both victory and defeat, the behavior of a coach shall model grace, dignity and composure.
- Coaches shall adhere to the highest standards and the regulations of the institutions they represent: clubs, Soccer Maine, US Youth Soccer Association, and US Soccer Federation. The position of head coach assumes knowledge of the rules of the game, of registration and rostering requirements, of tournament rules and other requirements of Soccer Maine and affiliated clubs and organizations. The coach is responsible for compliance with all rules.
- Coaches shall model inclusive behavior, actively supporting cultural diversity while opposing all types of discrimination, including, but not limited to, racism and sexism, at all levels of soccer.
- Coaches should take a role in educating their players about sports nutrition and fitness and about prevention of drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse. The coach should avoid the use of alcohol or tobacco products when in contact with players or at other times while in official capacity as coach.
- Coaches shall refrain from all manner of personal abuse and harassment of others, whether verbal, physical, emotional or sexual, and shall oppose such abuse and harassment at all levels of soccer.
- Coaches shall respect the declared affiliations of all players, and shall adhere to all guidelines and regulations on recruiting established by their clubs, leagues and Soccer Maine. At the first point of contact between a coach and a player, the coach will ask the player if he/she is rostered or committed to another team. If the answer is affirmative, the coach must refrain from further recruiting of that player. In any event, the coach cannot make any statements in regards to the merits, philosophies, programs, coaches, players, board members, or facilities of another club nor extend an offer of any type of financial incentive, including “scholarships”, to any prospective player unless the player’s family has demonstrated a financial hardship.
- Coaches shall seek to honor those who uphold the highest standards and principles of soccer and shall use appropriate protocol to oppose and eliminate all behavior that brings disrepute to the sport – violence, abuse, dishonesty, disrespect and violations of the laws of the game and rules governing competition.
Coaching Education
U6, U8 – 4v4 In-Person Grassroots Course Recommended
U9, U10 – 7v7 In-Person Grassroots Course
U11, U12 – 9v9 In-Person Grassroots Course
U13, U14 – 11v11 In-Person Grassroots Course
U15 – D Course
Through the U.S. Soccer Coaching Course Pathway, Soccer Maine is committed to providing all coaches, from beginner to advanced, with education tailored to their experiences and the needs of their players. The Coaching License Pathway consists of a series of courses designed to meet the specific needs of a coach every step of the way.
The U.S. Soccer Learning Center serves as the online educational platform where coaches can register for courses, take online classes, create session plans and more. It’s also your home for course announcements, registration, payment, assignments, communication, and collaboration.
Whether you’re just getting started or have been coaching for a while, there’s an online and in-person course that’s right for you. Future coaches can begin their learning with the Grassroots Pathway and a free “Introduction to Grassroots Coaching” online course. Coaches can advance on the Pathway from the Grassroots level all the way to Pro, with all the tools, guidance, and mentorship a coach requires.
The combination of eight Grassroots Licenses helps coaches ensure fun, enjoyable, and developmentally appropriate environments for their players. Prospective coaches have the option to take part in any of the courses, in any sequence, after completing the free introductory course, and can continue their training through online and in-person courses.
Visit the U.S. Soccer Learning Center to view a complete list of online courses and in-person courses being offered in Maine. Courses will be added throughout the year as requests come in to host.
Associations or clubs that wish to host a Soccer Maine Coaching Education Course can request to do so by contacting John Curtis, Director of Coaching at doc@soccermaine.com.
Please note that all in-person Grassroots courses require:
- Age-appropriate players for the field portion
- A field
Request to Host a Course by clicking on this link.
All Soccer Maine – hosted U.S. Soccer courses are set up and administered through U.S. Soccer’s Learning Center.
The US Soccer Learning Center serves as the online educational platform where coaches of every level can register for courses, take online classes, create session plans and more. It’s also your home for course announcements, registration, payment, assignments, communication, and collaboration.
Through the US Soccer Coaching License Pathway, coaches can progress from the free introductory course and Grassroots licensing through to advanced-level certification.
The free introductory course, which represents the first step in the newly revised coaching license pathway, is now the general starting point and is the required prerequisite to undergo any of U.S. Soccer’s Grassroots Licensing Courses. Coaches who complete the module will also be provided with four complimentary Play-Practice-Play training sessions.
The module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
For a complete list of available coaching courses, view the Coaching Course Schedule further down on this webpage. If the current course schedules do not already accommodate the coach education needs in your community, you may request to host a course by contacting Soccer Maine Director of Coaching, John Curtis at doc@soccermaine.com.
- 4v4 Play Practice Play Training Session
- Article on Play-Practice-Play
- Article on Coaches’ Body Language
- USSF: Best Practices for Coaching Soccer in the United States
- USYS: How to Write A Training Session Plan
The new Grassroots Licensing Courses will consist of four (4) in-person experiences and four (4) online experiences. Prospective coaches will have the option to engage in any of these new courses – in any sequence – after completing a free introductory module provided by U.S. Soccer.
This new, a-la-carte approach is meant to empower grassroots coaches to access education – relevant to their needs and specific coaching environment – immediately through these new low barrier opportunities.
Concurrently with the roll out of the new courses, the current F, Youth Module and E courses will transition out of the U.S. Soccer Coaching Pathway. These licenses will still be recognized by U.S. Soccer and both certifications remain relevant as a means to advance within the pathway. Soccer Maine will continue to organize and host the in-person grassroots courses and the updated D course on behalf of U.S. Soccer.
Coaching Courses
U.S. Soccer has announced some new and exciting changes that went into effect in 2018. The changes include a new introduction into the pathway, referred to as the “grassroots” path, which will focus on helping novice coaches. These changes will be implemented across the country and offered in Soccer Maine starting in February 2018. With the creation of the Grassroots path, the current F and E license will no longer be taught or be a part of the U.S. Soccer Coaching Education curriculum. For current holders of these licenses, U.S. Soccer and Soccer Maine will continue to recognize both as national licenses that meet all prerequisites and or coaching license standards.
4 v 4 – U6, U8
7 v 7 – U9, U10
9 v 9 – U11, U12
11 v 11 U13+
The Grassroots path has been introduced as part of the overall U.S. Soccer Coaching Education structure to permit easy access and entry points. The new structure will allow a coach to enter the pathway in one of two separate ways:
the candidate may take the Online (OL) course or
take the In-Person (IP) course
The online and in-person courses will be treated as two separate licenses. Ex. 4v4 License online OR 4v4 License in-person.
The new in-person licenses to be offered by Soccer Maine are four (4) hours in length. Each IP course contains two hours in the classroom and two hours on the field. The highlight of the IP course is that it offers coaches the ability to have hands-on experience learning with an instructor and players in a realistic environment and promote best practices in coaching education.
1. Click here to access the USSF Learning Center
- Sign up (free of charge) or log-in to your LC profile.
- Under “Available Courses”, select “Begin Course” to launch the introductory module.
- Complete U.S. Soccer’s Introduction to Grassroots Coaching.
The overall objective of the Goalkeeping Level 1 Diploma is to explore some of the myths and mystiques surrounding the goalkeeping function. The six-hour course is directed towards the team coach – not the specialist goalkeeper coach. The object is to empower the coach with knowledge and practice methods that will enable the coach to evaluate a goalkeeper in game situations and then design an appropriate practice program for goalkeepers in and outside of team practices. The course includes lecture (theory) and field (practical) sessions.
The overall objective of the Goalkeeping Level 2 Diploma is to create an optimal learning environment for this specialized position. The 9-hour course is geared towards the specialist goalkeeping coach and the team coach looking for in-depth information surrounding the coaching of goalkeepers. The course includes both lecture (theory) and field (practical) sessions. A United Soccer Coaches Goalkeeping Level I Diploma is a prerequisite for this course.
Time Commitment: 9 hours
Cost: $195
Testing: No
Prerequisites: Goalkeeping Level 1
Location: TBD
*If you register for both courses the cost is $295.
Course Info
The free introductory course, which represents the first step in the newly revised coaching license pathway, is now the general starting point and is the required prerequisite to undergo any of U.S. Soccer’s Grassroots Licensing Courses. Coaches who complete the module will also be provided with four complimentary Play-Practice-Play training sessions.
The module takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Grassroots Courses
- To create game-like training sessions that encourage players’ ownership (decision-making)
- To create a game day environment that encourages players’ ownership (decision-making)
Eligibility – Grassroots Courses
Complete the free Introduction to Grassroots Coaching module via the Learning Center
Learning Objectives
- To observe the game, recognize moments and basic player actions
- To demonstrate a basic understanding of Play-Practice-Play methodology (P-P-P)
- To execute and reflect on a P-P-P training session
- To create a player centered environment
Course Experience
4 hours in-person (2 hours virtual classroom/2 hours field)
- Cost: $85
PURPOSE – To prepare coaches to work with players U6 to U7.
- To understand the basic needs of grassroots players
- To understand the basic structure of the game
- To understand the basic structure of a training session
ELIGIBILITY – Complete the free Introduction to Grassroots Coaching module via the Learning Center.
The candidate will discuss, collaborate, and develop knowledge and skills in the following context:
Player characteristics and needs:
- Age: U6 to U7
- Skillset: Beginner to Intermediate
- Motivation: Like to play / variance in interest level and participation in multiple sports
- To observe the game, recognize moments and basic player actions
- To demonstrate a basic understanding of Play-Practice-Play methodology (P-P-P)
- To execute and reflect on a P-P-P training session
- To create a player centered environment
Formative Assessment in:
- Coaching Games
- Coaching Training Sessions
- Leading the Player
- Leading the Team
- Managing the Performance Environment
- Leadership
- Blended – 2 hours virtual classroom/2 hours in-person
- Traditional – 4 hours in-person (2 hours classroom/2 hours field)
Course Cost: $85
PURPOSE – To prepare coaches to work with players U8 to U9.
- To understand the basic needs of grassroots players
- To understand the basic structure of the game
- To understand the basic structure of a training session
- To understand the basic tasks of a grassroots coach
ELIGIBILITY – Complete the free Introduction to Grassroots Coaching module via the Learning Center.
The candidate will discuss, collaborate, and develop knowledge and skills in the following context:
Player characteristics and needs:
- Age: U8 to U9
- Skillset: Beginner to Intermediate
- Motivation: Like to play / variance in interest level and participation in multiple sports
- To observe the game, recognize moments and basic player actions
- To demonstrate a basic understanding of Play-Practice-Play methodology (P-P-P)
- To execute and reflect on a P-P-P training session
- To create a player centered environment
Formative Assessment in:
- Coaching Games
- Coaching Training Sessions
- Leading the Player
- Leading the Team
- Managing the Performance Environment
- Leadership
- Blended – 2 hours virtual classroom/2 hours in-person
- Traditional – 4 hours in-person (2 hours classroom/2 hours field)
Course Cost: $85
PURPOSE – To prepare coaches to work with players U11 to U12.
• To understand the basic needs of grassroots players
• To understand the basic structure of the game
• To understand the basic structure of a training session
• To understand the basic tasks of a grassroots coach
ELIGIBILITY – Complete the free Introduction to Grassroots Coaching module via the Learning Center.
The candidate will discuss, collaborate, and develop knowledge and skills in the following context:
Player characteristics and needs:
• Age: U11 to U12
• Skillset: Beginner to Intermediate
• Motivation: Like to play / variance in interest level and participation in multiple sports
• To observe the game, recognize moments and basic player actions
• To demonstrate a basic understanding of Play-Practice-Play methodology (P-P-P)
• To execute and reflect on a P-P-P training session
• To create a player centered environment
Formative Assessment in:
• Coaching Games
• Coaching Training Sessions
• Leading the Player
• Leading the Team
• Managing the Performance Environment
• Leadership
- Blended – 2 hours virtual classroom/2 hours in-person
- Traditional – 4 hours in-person (2 hours classroom/2 hours field)
Total Course Fee: $85
PURPOSE – To prepare coaches to work with players U13 to U19 in a participation environment.
• To understand the basic needs of grassroots players
• To understand the basic structure of the game
• To understand the basic structure of a training session
• To understand the basic tasks of a grassroots coach
ELIGIBILITY – Complete the free Introduction to Grassroots Coaching module via the Learning Center.
The candidate will discuss, collaborate, and develop knowledge and skills in the following context:
Player characteristics and needs:
• Age: U13 to U19
• Skillset: Beginner to Intermediate
• Motivation: Like to play / variance in interest level and participation in multiple sports
• To observe the game, recognize moments and basic player actions
• To demonstrate a basic understanding of Play-Practice-Play methodology (P-P-P)
• To execute and reflect on a P-P-P training session
• To create a player centered environment
Formative Assessment in:
• Coaching Games
• Coaching Training Sessions
• Leading the Player
• Leading the Team
• Managing the Performance Environment
• Leadership
- Blended – 2 hours virtual classroom/2 hours in-person
- Traditional – 4 hours in-person (2 hours classroom/2 hours field)
Total Course Fee: $385
- D Course 2023 March/May
D Course
- To create game-like training sessions that encourage players’ ownership (decision-making)
- To create a game day environment that encourages players’ ownership (decision-making)
Eligibility – D Course
To register for the U.S. Soccer D Course, candidates must meet the following prerequisites:
· Introduction to Grassroots Coaching
· Two (2) Grassroots In-Person (4v4, 7v7, 9v9 or 11v11)
· One (1) Grassroots Online (4v4, 7v7, 9v9, or 11v11)
· Introduction to Grassroots Coaching
· Previously Earned USSF E License
· Introduction to Grassroots Coaching
· Previously Earned USSF F License
· Two (2) Grassroots In-Person (4v4, 7v7, 9v9 or 11v11)
Learning Objectives
- To observe the game, recognize formations and all player actions
- To create a safe, fun, inclusive and organized game-day environment
- To further develop a comprehensive understanding P-P-P methodology
- To demonstrate an understanding of how to structure one activity/exercise
- To plan, create, organize, facilitate and reflect on 1 P-P-P training session based on the same goal in 1 week
- To demonstrate an understanding of developmental stages & age characteristics
- To implement a plan for child safety and risk management.
- To demonstrate an understanding of how to inform, involve and inspire parents
- Identify individual learning needs to create a player-centered environment
Course Experience
9 Weeks Minimum/12 weeks Maximum
2 Weekends (2 day in-person meetings each weekend)
- Two (2) in-person meeting
- Virtual meetings
- Independent learning and development periods
- 1 on 1 meeting with instructor
C Course
- To create a series of progressive game-like training sessions that encourage players’ ownership (decision-making)
- To create a game day environment linked to training session goals
Eligibility – C Course
Holds a U.S. Soccer D license for at least six months
Learning Objectives
- To observe the game, recognize formations and systems with players’ roles and responsibilities
- To observe and analyze one team – identify trends in the game
- To create a game plan and coach players based on training session goal(s)
- To create a safe, fun, inclusive game-day environment
- To demonstrate an understanding of how to structure the training session
- To demonstrate an understanding of Orientation-Learning-Implementation methodology (O-L-I)
- To plan, organize, execute and reflect on four (4) training sessions based on two (2) different goals over 2-weeks
- To demonstrate an understanding of the influence of developmental stages & age characteristics on player development
- To create a team development process
- To define and implement a child safety and risk management plan within the team
- To apply a parent engagement process
- To develop an understanding and process of self-assessment
Course Experience
4 months – scheduled throughout the year
- Two (2) in-person meetings
- Virtual meetings
- Independent learning and development periods
- 1 on 1 and 1 on 2 meetings with instructor
- Cost: Check Learning Center
All other questions should be emailed to John Curtis at doc@soccermaine.com.
Coaching Course Schedule
US Soccer 9v9 Grassroots In-Person Course Soccer Maine – Portland, Maine (10 spots available)
Virtual Zoom Classroom – Thursday, February 20, 2025, 7-9pm EST
In-Person Field Session – Sunday, February 23, 2025, 12:00 – 2:00pm EST
*Zoom link will be sent closer to the start of the course. The total length of the course is four hours.
Portland Sports Center, 512 Warren Ave, Portland, ME 04103
US Soccer 9v9 In-Person Course Soccer Maine – Warren, Maine (9 spots available)
- Virtual Zoom Classroom – Sunday, March 2, 2025, 7-9pm EST
- In-Person Field Session: Tuesday, March 4, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
- Location:
- The Pitch – 2606 Camden Rd, Warren, ME
US Soccer 11v11 In-Person Course Soccer Maine – Warren, Maine (9 spots available)
- Virtual Zoom Classroom – Sunday, March 2, 2025, 7-9pm EST
- In-Person Field Session – Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 6:00 – 8:00pm
- Location:
- The Pitch – 2606 Camden Road, Warren, ME
D Course (3 Spots Available)
- Virtual meetings begin the week of March 10, 2025.
- FIRST In-Person (IP) Meeting: Saturday-Sunday, April 12-13, 2025.
- Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm (both days)
- Location: TBA
- SECOND In-Person (IP) Meeting: Saturday-Sunday, April 26-27, 2025
- Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm (both days)
- Location: TBA
- FINAL Virtual Week: Begins April 28, 2025.
- Course END DATE is May 2, 2025.